Short story contest 2019
We want your entries for Ergo’s short story contest 2019. This year’s theme is apocalypse. Personal, spiritual, national, global; pre-, mid- och post-;Interpret the theme however you wish as long as you follow the instructions below.
Send us your entry to cred@ergo.us.uu.se by Sunday 25th of August the latest. Write “Short story contest” as the subject.
The winning short story will be published in the first issue of Ergo this upcoming fall and be rewarded with a 2000 kronor gift voucher at Uppsala Bokhandel (Uppsala bookshop).
– The contestant must be an Uppsala student.
– The entry must be written in English or Swedish.
– The entry must be between 5 000 and 10 000 characters long, including blanks (spaces).
– The entry must not have been published in any other medium previous to the competition, including, for example, private blogs.
– Only one author per entry is allowed.
– The story must take place in Uppsala and pertain to the theme apocalypse.
The contest is arranged in collaboration with Uppsala Bokhandel (Uppsala bookshop).