Short story contest 2021
Foto: Lina Svensk

Short Story Contest 2021

A dorm in the Flogsta high-rises is inhabited by clones from a successful experiment at BMC. One of your classmates claims he is from the future. You find a microchip planted in the sole of your foot and start to suspect your recurring dreams of blindingly white laboratories are more than just dreams.

This year we want to read short stories on the theme of science fiction, a genre that holds so much more than space and aliens (though of course you can write about that too!). Speculative science, time travel, artificial intelligence and parallel universes - the possibilities are endless!

Send your entry to by Sunday 3rd of October at the latest. Write “Short story contest” as the subject.

The winning short story will be published at in the Fall and be rewarded with a 2000 kronor gift voucher at Uppsala Bokhandel (Uppsala bookshop).


– The contestant must be a student at Uppsala University.
– The entry must be written in English or Swedish.
– The entry must be between 5 000 and 10 000 characters long, including blanks (spaces).
– The entry must not have been published in any other medium previous to the competition, including, for example, private blogs.
– Only one author per entry is allowed.
– The story must take place in Uppsala and pertain to the theme “science fiction”.



This contest is arranged in collaboration with Uppsala bokhandel.



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