On Thursday, Uppsala university welcomed the newly arrived international students at Segerstedts with a "Welcome Centre". Ergo spoke to some of the exhange students in attendance.
Foto: David Naylor/Press

Arrival day at Uppsala University

Thursday January 11th was the day hundreds of international students arrived at Uppsala university from all over the world. In the Segerstedts Building new students could visit the Welcome center to get information and guidance. Ergo met a few of them.

One of the students arriving is Lilli Preugschat from a small city near Hamburg, Germany. She is going to study business and is looking forward to having a good time while she is here in Uppsala.
– I want to meet new people, enjoy the student life, and party, she says.

Lilli Preugschat. Foto:Privat

Do you have any worries regarding your stay here?
– Not really, initially I was mostly worried about finding my way from the airport, but I must say it was very easy just getting the shuttle bus that Uppsala university had arranged and I immediately connected with some other new students who also just arrived here, Lilli says. 

Mikel Velasco also arrived in Uppsala today from Spain. He is going to study courses in business and administration at Uppsala University.

What are your expectations of your stay in Sweden and Uppsala?
– I hope to learn a lot and get to know new people from different cultures. I’m also looking forward to getting to know the Scandinavian way of living. I always wondered how you manage to live in the north where it's so dark at this time of the year, Mikel says.

Charlotte Bus from Amsterdam, Netherlands is excited to study Politics and Social geography at Uppsala University this semester. 

Charlotte Bus. Foto: Privat

– I'm interested in Swedish politics and also wanted to study abroad at some point so this was a good opportunity for me. 
She is going to stay in Flogsta during this semester, which she heard is a good place when you want to meet new people, especially other international students.
– I'm looking forward to a fun stay here and to learn a lot. I´m also excited for the opportunity to start a social life from scratch since I don´t know anyone here yet. Some friends from home are planning on visiting me while I´m here and it will be nice to show them a new place, Charlotte says.

Livia from Berlin, Germany, is also at the Sergelsteds Building on Arrival day. She is going to study computer science. She already has some friends in Sweden and has visited the country and Uppsala before.
– I visited for a holiday and thought it was a nice and cute city so I'm excited for my stay here, Livia says.

Livia. Foto: Privat

What are you looking forward to during your stay in Uppsala?
– To gain a new perspective on things and meet new people. I also want to experience the student life of Uppsala and get more life experiences in general, she says.
The only things she is a bit worried about would be that it will be too much for her study wise since the semester in her other university is overlapping the semester she is starting now, and also that she will miss her friends back home. 



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