Crisis management activated
After the shooting last Friday, when two people were injured, the crisis management of Uppsala University was activated. Erika Dabhilkar, Head of unit at the International Office, is part of the crisis management.
– My colleagues decided to sound the alarm, due to what had been told in media. We are working on the basis of a tentative scenario where one of the people who are shot is a student of Uppsala University. This is still to be officially confirmed by the police, says Erika Dabhilkar.
The crisis management has not been in touch with the injured student, who is said to recently have arrived from the Netherlands, but Erika Dabhilkar has met members of his family, who presently are in Uppsala.
– Based on that, we regard his identity as being confirmed to us, she says.
Except for the Dutch student, a number of other students were at the pizza restaurant Capri, Flogsta, when the shooting took place. They, and other students who may be concerned, have been offered support from the crisis management and therapists in Segerstedthuset during Saturday, and henceforth at the Student Health Board. Information has been given in Swedish and English.
– There’s no simple solution for this kind of situation, it’s an extreme case being handled by the hour, says Erika Dabhilkar.
She takes her chance to give credit to the student network for taking part in the crisis support work.
– The nations and Kuratorskonventet have offered great support to the students.
As far as the University is concerned, no further safety measures are needed following the event, since it seems obvious the shot student has no connection with the perpetrator and was injured by mistake.
– It’s very sad for the city of Uppsala that such a thing has taken place. Absolutely terrible that an innocent person is affected, says Erika Dabhilkar.