Minister for Higher Education and Research, Matilda Ernkrans (The Social Democrats), says that the students will be able to keep their student aid when the universities switch to remote learning.
Foto: Creative commons/Sigrid Asker

The Government: Switch to remote learning

Close all campus based education and switch to remote learning is the recommendation from the Government.

The Swedish Government announced during a press conference this morning that they recommend all university and upper secondary (gymnasium) level education should be provided remotely to slow down the spread of the coronavirus. This means that, starting tomorrow, Wednesday, no campus based education should be held, provided that Uppsala University decides to follow the Government's recommendations.

Minister for Higher Education and Research, Matilda Ernkrans, also provided information regarding what will happen to the Government provided student aid (grants and loans).
– As long as the educations are conducted at distance, the student aid will still be paid out. The Government will put forward a suggestion, that I judge will be supported by the parliament, which will make it possible to decide that students at universities, vocational schools and adult educations (vuxenutbildning) during extraordinary events, will be able to keep their student aid for the time period they have already been granted it, she says.

As it is a recommendation rather than a decision to switch to remote learning, it is now up to Vice-Chancellor Eva Åkesson to decide whether or not this will be carried out at Uppsala University.



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